Looking Beyond What You See
By: Jamila Cooksey
Life has its trails and tribulations but when we focus on transcending from those things we learn to become victorious instead of being victims to ourselves and other.
In this cruel world we live in they give us false ideologies of what we should be and then leave us with insecurities that are hard to overcome. Like for men, you are taught to be hard at all times and never show your emotions. This is why there are men standing on street corners, in jail or just either dead. American men have been brain washed by the society we live in and there major front is " I'm hard and I don't need to show my feelings". Emotions are just as good for a man as it is for a women. As time keeps going on its getting worse for generations that are coming because these boys are growing up without fathers. A woman can't teach and little boy how to be man, so at the end day all they have to look up to is man that on the corner fronting to be something that he not; or either their father is in jail. In the book Tattoos on the Heart by Gregory Boyle, Cesar is having a conversation with G and he says, ""I gotta ask you question. You know how I've always seen you as my father-ever since I was a little kid? Well, I hafta ask you a question."" "Now Cesar pauses, and the gravity of it all makes his voice waver and crumble,""Have I...been...your son?"" ""Oh hell yeah"" I say. ""Whew,"" "Cesar exhales, ""I thought so"" (31). It is very important to have someone to look up too that is doing something positive in there life. You can make huge impact life and its does not matter if you a blood related to them. These young boy are lost in this world without there father and they are yearning for that love. This life that they live can bring many battles for them but they must look far beyond their short coming and past what the eyes can see.
He looks past there faults and only see's their need overcome their struggles of life. G, has favor over his life and just wants to show God's love in human form. He knows that many of these people are lost and need guidance to move forward in life. Most people have trouble admitting that they need help when there going through something, bur when people come in contact with G they have no problem spitting out everything they need from him. Just like when Scrappy came in office and just kept it real with him and told him what he needed. He felt comfortable enough to break down in front of him and cry his eyes out. G being the man his and gave him exactly what he needed and that was chance to better his life, Boyle states, " When the vastness of God meets the restriction of our own humanity, words can't hold it. The best we can do is find the moments that rhyme with this expansive heart of God" (35). You can't let your short comings define who you are as a person, the way you feel and act over those things defines you. There are many things that will come your way but everything can not get in your way and let you think negative. Negative thinking brings negative things your way. Positive thinking brings positive things your way. Boyle says “ You strive to live the black spiritual that says, ““God looks beyond our fault and see our need””(52). This is the mindset we need we make mistakes. At some point in our lives, we all sometimes fall short of the glory. Even though we may do things that may hurt us and other people there is still forgiving people in the world. Forgiveness always starts with yourself and no one else. We can’t blame other people for our problems, we were the creator of it in the first place.There is no one person in the world that is perfect, that's why everyday we have to strive to do better and letting nothing get us down even when seems all hope is gone.